I think that this is probably the biggest carp that I've ever caught - I didn't have any way to weigh it, but it was in around the 25-30lb range. That also means that it was probably the biggest fish that I've ever caught. Very exciting!!!
I got this guy on my ultra-light rod and reel, six pound test fishing line, and a Kastmaster lure (see below).
I love fishing...

WOW that's one big fish - does that mean Lake Ontario is very healthy, or not so healthy (since it's a carp after all). Too bad they are'nt eating fish - you'd have a season worth of food in the freezer!
Mike will definitely have to show this one to our fishing buddies down here!
Love Audrey
Yes, it certainly was a big fish! And today, I caught a HUGE freshwater drum (sheephead) - once again, probably the biggest one of those that I've ever caught! But I neglected to bring a camera with me today!!! Doh!
As for how healthy the harbour is - it is getting much cleaner. Lake Ontario may be another story, but the Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan has been working! Last year, I caught a walleye and the year before, I caught two! The walleye were introduced into the harbour years ago, but the fisheries biologists were under the impression that they had all either left for the lake or had died off. There would be rumours here and there of someone catching one in the harbour, but until I caught them myself, I never really believed it! There have also been a number of Northern Pike caught in the harbour over the last year or two. So, all of this does indicate that things are getting better!
So, I just need to remember to always have my camera with me!!!
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