Tuesday, February 13, 2007


A little hockey in the backyard on Sunday. There's a bit in the middle where Ranger gets his chain wrapped around my legs and then runs down the stairs, so it's a bit shaky at that point!


The Monty Clan said...

Great Joanne - but I could only watch the third video (Alistair), the first two would not load for me (could be me.....). The 3rd showed fine tho'.
Fun to watch - and now I know for sure that they can both skate better than I can!!

Nice to hear the audio along with the visuals too!

The Monty Clan said...

Hi me again - today I can view the clips no problem - could have been our bandwidth yesterday - Kyle was doing some hefty downloads.
Great to see the clips - thanks for posting!

Joanne said...

I'm glad you got to see all of them - this is fun!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.