Sunday, August 5, 2007

Better late than never

Ok, so this is late... sorry about that! These are pictures from July 14th when John, Robin, J, Alistair and Ranger came down to Mum and Dad's for a visit. John took Dad to the Ti-Cat game (they lost....:( and we did some belated birthday gift exchanges.
All in all it was a great visit and was very good to see them!


The Monty Clan said...

Thanks - Great to see the photos!!

You managed to capture shots of J and Alistair which really make them look alike - the eyes are identical!

Looks like Ranger must have had an exhausting day also - wish I was that flexible...

Joanne said...

Hahahha... yeah, Ranger had some Gravol before the drive down from London, apparently, and he was pretty pooped! I just thought his legs bent out at the sides like that was hilarious and had to take a photo!
And, yes, J and Ali are really looking alike these days...