Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Exotic lizards in Hamilton???

Well, its been a while since I've posted anything, so I thought I'd put up some pictures that I took this past weekend at a first birthday party for my Godson, Payton. His parents hired "The Lizard Store" to come and entertain and educate the kids - although the adults were equally interested!

Here are some photos from the party:
I can't remember what kind of lizard this is, but it's kind of cute!
Here's Payton and his Dad, Derek getting a safe look at a baby crocodile - Crikey!!

This is "Kong", a 75 year old snapping turtle with quite a bad temper.

Here, Jordan (in the green shirt) is showing the girls a New Caledonian Crested Gecko.

This little guy doesn't have any reason to be scared of the snake - not like some of the older folks who were standing as far away as possible!

I think this guy is a green anaconda - 15 feet long, 120 lbs.
Sorry - no pictures of me holding anything more dangerous than a 1 year old!

1 comment:

The Monty Clan said...

I'm happy to say that we have not had such close encounters of the scaley kind. Looks like fun...(if you like that kind of thing :-)

Glad to see your weather is improving though.

Cute nephew by the way!

Audrey & Mike